Murphy Trial Law

Bothell Rideshare Accident Lawyer

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In today’s fast-paced world, ridesharing has become a convenience and necessity for many. But, with its rise in popularity, rideshare vehicle accidents have also seen an uptick in Bothell, Washington. Suppose you or someone you know has been involved in such an incident. In that case, consulting a Bothell rideshare accident lawyer is imperative.

Legal nuances surrounding rideshare accidents can be intricate, and victims might find themselves navigating the treacherous waters of insurance claims, driver liabilities, and more.

Murphy Trial Law, an experienced personal injury law firm in Washington, steps in to protect your rights and help you receive the rightful compensation.

Our rideshare accident attorneys in Bothell delve into the intricacies of rideshare accidents and provide you with your legal options after a rideshare accident in Bothell.

Why hire Murphy Trial Law as your Rideshare Accident Lawyer in Bothell?

Securing the right legal representation is crucial in the aftermath of a rideshare accident.

With its proven track record in Bothell, Murphy Trial Law is primed to be your trusted ally.

We offer you top-tier legal representation, and with us, you’re engaging with a team that’s genuinely invested in your cause.

Below are listed the distinct reasons that set us apart.

  • Experienced Team: With countless successful cases under our belt, our Bothell rideshare accident attorneys have consistently showcased prowess in representing victims of rideshare accidents. Our rich experience ensures no stone is left unturned when fighting for your rights.
  • In-depth Knowledge: Rideshare laws are in constant flux, presenting a myriad of challenges. Our law firm understands the current legal landscape and anticipates future changes. It positions us to tackle even the most complex rideshare cases with confidence.
  • Client-Centric Approach: Murphy Trial Law firmly believes that each client and their case are unique. Our approach is tailored to your specific needs. We ensure personalized strategies and a commitment to securing optimal outcomes, be it a settlement or a decisive victory in court.
  • No Win, No Fee: Financial constraints shouldn’t impede justice. We operate on a contingency basis, meaning if we don’t win, you don’t pay. It underscores our unwavering commitment to your case’s success.

  • Direct Communication: In legal battles, clarity is paramount. We prioritize open communication channels, ensuring you’re never in the dark. With our lawyers directly accessible, all your concerns are addressed promptly.

Remarkable Settlements​

$1.8 Million

Favorable liability verdict

750k offer

$1.6 Million

A man injured in rear end car crash

50k offer

$1.1 Million

Car crash

200k offer

$1 Million

Wrongful death

No offer

$1 Million

Low impact car crash

No offer

$1 Million

Car crash, limits tender (Briseno)

250k prelit offer

Understanding Rideshare and its types


Ridesharing has revolutionized urban transportation, offering an efficient, often cost-effective alternative to traditional taxi services and public transit.

Utilizing a digital platform, rideshare companies connect passengers with drivers using their private vehicles. This seamless blending of technology and transportation has made ridesharing a preferred choice for many.

Two giants in the industry, namely Uber and Lyft, dominate the rideshare landscape, especially in Bothell.


Uber is a global phenomenon in the ridesharing industry. Launched in 2009, it now operates in over 900 metropolitan areas worldwide.

With user-friendly apps and diversified services ranging from budget-friendly options like UberX to premium services like Uber Black, it caters to a broad spectrum of user needs.

Safety measures, in-app navigation, and transparent pricing further fortify its reputation as a reliable rideshare choice.

However, despite their rigorous safety measures, Uber vehicle accidents happen.


Lyft, Uber’s primary competitor, has steadily grown in popularity since its inception in 2012.

Offering services predominantly in the U.S. and Canada, Lyft emphasizes community and connection, often promoting friendliness between drivers and riders. With varied services, including Lyft Line (carpool) and Lyft Lux (luxury rides), the company strives to offer rides tailored to diverse rider preferences.

Their commitment to safety and constant innovation has earned them a strong foothold in the rideshare market.

Still, it’s worth noting that, like Uber, Lyft accidents do occur with Lyft rides despite their safety precautions.

Rideshare accident statistics in Washington

Frame 44

Ridesharing, though a boon for many in terms of convenience and accessibility, hasn’t been without its share of accidents and concerns.

With its bustling urban centers and reliance on app-based transportation, Washington witnesses its fair share of these incidents.

Understanding the prevalence and impact of rideshare-related accidents can better inform riders and drivers, ensuring more conscientious use of these services.

The statistics below highlight the importance of rideshare accident lawyers in Washington.

  • In 2022, Washington roads and highways witnessed 745 traffic-related fatalities, marking the highest count since 1990, per the Washington Traffic Safety Commission.

  • Over half of the fatal accidents in Washington were linked to the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  • The Washington Traffic Safety Commission aims to reduce the permissible blood alcohol level (BAC) for DUI offenses from the current 0.08% to 0.05%.

Common causes of Rideshare Accidents

Ridesharing services, like Uber and Lyft, have become an integral part of urban transportation.

While these platforms provide convenience, they are not immune to road accidents. Several factors can contribute to these unfortunate incidents.

Understanding the root causes can be instrumental in prevention and helps a Bothell rideshare accident lawyer identify liable parties.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving tops the list of causes for rideshare accidents. Rideshare drivers often juggle between their navigation apps and ride requests. This multitasking, though it might seem efficient, splits their attention.

The constant buzzes, notifications, or even engaging with passengers can distract them momentarily, long enough to miss a pedestrian or overlook a red light.


Fatigue is a silent but dangerous companion. Many rideshare drivers burn themself out trying to maximize their earnings. Driving for extended periods or after a long day at another job results in tiredness.

It reduces their reflexes, impairs judgment, and might lead to micro-sleeps, even if just for a few seconds – a substantial risk on busy streets.


Every driver starts somewhere, and not all rideshare drivers come with extensive road experience.

Navigating bustling city streets or handling tricky road situations can be daunting for newbie drivers, leading to miscalculations or errors.


Time is money, and more rides mean more money in the world of ridesharing. Some drivers might resort to speeding to drop off and pick up passengers quicker.

Speeding, especially in urban areas with dense traffic, significantly increases the likelihood of accidents.

Poor Vehicle Maintenance

A well-maintained vehicle is pivotal for safety. However, the costs associated with regular maintenance might lead some rideshare drivers to delay or overlook essential repairs.

Issues like worn-out tires, faulty brakes, or malfunctioning headlights can escalate into major accident causes.

Impaired Driving

Although stringent rules are in place against it, there have been instances where rideshare drivers operated vehicles under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Such impaired driving endangers not only the passengers but also other road users.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving or road rage, while less common, is still a significant factor. Drivers might engage in tailgating, harsh braking, or sudden lane changes, especially during peak hours.

Such behaviors increase the risk of collisions, threatening everyone on the road.

Inadequate Training

While many rideshare drivers have personal driving experience, not all are trained for commercial passenger transport. Handling emergencies, understanding passenger safety protocols, or efficiently managing vehicle breakdowns might be beyond their skill set.

This lack of formal training can sometimes be a catalyst for accidents, especially in challenging situations.

Complex Traffic Patterns

Urban centers, where ridesharing is most popular, are also hubs for intricate traffic patterns and unpredictable roadway constructions.

Rideshare drivers might be unfamiliar with sudden route changes, one-way streets, or new traffic diversions, leading to last-minute decisions that can result in mishaps.

External Factors and Third-Party Negligence

Sometimes, the fault doesn’t lie entirely with the rideshare driver. External factors like reckless drivers, pedestrians not following road rules, or even environmental factors such as poor visibility due to weather conditions play a significant role.

Even a vigilant rideshare driver might find it challenging to avert a collision in such scenarios.

Common injuries in a Rideshare Accident

Rideshare accidents, like any vehicular mishap, can lead to various injuries. The nature and severity of these injuries often depend on the specifics of the accident, such as speed, point of impact, and safety measures in place. 

Below are listed some common injuries people sustain in rideshare accidents.


Whiplash is a prevalent neck injury resulting from a forceful, swift back-and-forth neck movement. Often a consequence of rear-end collisions, whiplash symptoms can manifest as neck pain, stiffness, restricted range of motion, and recurring headaches. If untreated, this injury can lead to chronic pain and long-lasting complications.


Concussions are traumatic brain injuries that temporarily influence brain functionality. The symptoms of a blow to the head or a sudden jolt to the body might include headaches, dizziness, memory issues, and sensitivity to light or sound. One must seek medical attention, as untreated concussions can have lasting neurological effects.

Broken Bones

The sheer impact of a vehicular collision can result in broken or fractured bones. Whether it’s the arms, legs, ribs, or more perilous breaks like the skull or spine, these injuries necessitate immediate medical care. The recovery can range from wearing casts to undergoing surgeries, with rehabilitation spanning weeks to months.

Lacerations and Bruises

Sharp fragments from shattered windows or the impact itself can lead to cuts and bruises. While they may appear superficial, geting them addressed is essential. Deep lacerations can cause significant blood loss or infections, and pronounced bruising may indicate internal trauma.

Internal Bleeding

Hidden from plain sight, internal bleeding is a clandestine yet potentially lethal injury post-collision. Symptoms like abdominal pain or swelling, dizziness, or deep bruising might be subtle. Quick medical intervention is crucial to diagnose and treat such injuries, preventing life-threatening complications.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal injuries rank among the most severe outcomes of accidents. The trauma can lead to partial or complete paralysis, forever changing a victim’s life. Such injuries often require long-term medical care, rehabilitation, and adjustments to daily life, emphasizing the need for comprehensive medical evaluation post-accident.


In cases where a collision results in a fire or direct exposure to heated elements, victims can sustain burns. Depending on the degree, burns can lead to scarring, infections, and the need for skin grafting. Immediate treatment and potential long-term care are vital for such injuries.

Emotional and Psychological Trauma

Beyond physical injuries, accidents often leave an emotional scar. Many victims experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. These psychological impacts can be as debilitating as physical injuries, warranting counseling and therapeutic intervention.

Torn Ligaments and Tendons

The abrupt forces exerted during an accident can cause ligaments and tendons to tear. Such injuries are prevalent in the knees and other joints. They can be excruciating, leading to restricted movement, and, in severe cases, might necessitate surgical intervention.

Herniated Discs

The spinal column comprises vertebrae cushioned by discs. The impact of a collision can cause these discs to rupture or herniate, pressing on the surrounding nerves. It can result in pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area, demanding immediate medical attention and possibly even surgery.

Determining liability in a Rideshare accident in Bothell

In rideshare accidents in Bothell, determining liability becomes a pivotal aspect, as it directly affects the compensation one can pursue. Understanding the responsible party involves intricate navigation of legal intricacies. 

A seasoned Bothell rideshare accident lawyer can help identify the responsible parties and pave the way for rightful compensation.

  • Rideshare Driver: If the driver’s negligence or mistake caused the accident, they might be held accountable. Factors include distracted driving, fatigue, or driving under the influence.
  • Rideshare Company (e.g., Uber or Lyft): While these companies have hefty insurance policies to cover accidents, claiming compensation can be complex. In some scenarios, if the driver’s actions or the company’s policies indirectly led to the accident, the rideshare company could be held responsible.
  • Third-party Driver: Sometimes, another vehicle’s driver might be at fault for the collision. In such cases, you’d seek compensation from this driver or their insurance.
  • Vehicle Manufacturer: If a vehicle malfunction, like brake failure, caused the accident, the vehicle manufacturer might be held liable for producing a faulty product.
  • Local Municipality: Poor road conditions or ill-placed traffic signs can lead to accidents. In such situations, local governmental bodies responsible for road maintenance could be liable.


  • Passengers: On rare occasions, a passenger’s actions might distract the driver or cause an accident, making them partially or wholly liable.

Recoverable damages and compensation for Rideshare Accidents

In the aftermath of a rideshare accident, victims often grapple with physical, emotional, and financial burdens. Understanding the types of compensation available is essential to alleviate some of these stresses. You can recover the following categories of damages in rideshare accidents.

  • Economic Damages: These are quantifiable financial losses resulting from the accident. It includes medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and any other out-of-pocket expenses you’ve incurred.
  • Non-Economic Damages: These pertain to the intangible losses post-accident. Compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, or even the loss of a loved one’s companionship falls under this category.

Insurance Policies Under Rideshares (Uber and Lyft)

Insurance coverage is crucial in rideshare accidents, offering a safety net for victims. Both Uber and Lyft have specific insurance policies in place. A clear understanding of these policies and guidance from a rideshare accident lawyer in Bothell can optimize the compensation process after an unfortunate accident.

  • While Waiting for a Ride Request: Drivers are covered by their personal auto insurance. Uber and Lyft offer backup coverage if personal insurance doesn’t pay, which includes $50,000 in bodily injury per person, $100,000 in bodily injury per accident, and $25,000 in property damage per accident.
  • Ride Accepted to Passenger Drop-Off: Once a ride has been accepted till the passenger is dropped off, both companies offer $1 million in third-party liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury, and contingent comprehensive and collision.


  • No Ride Request: If the rideshare app is off, only the driver’s personal auto insurance applies.

What should I do after a Rideshare Accident in Bothell, WA?

Accidents are overwhelming, more so when they involve a rideshare vehicle. Taking appropriate steps post-accident is critical to ensuring your safety, rights, and potential compensation. 

Below is a list of what you should prioritize if you find yourself in a rideshare accident.

  • Seek Medical Attention: Whether or not you feel injured, seeing a doctor is essential. Some injuries may not show symptoms immediately. A timely medical evaluation will also provide documentation for any potential claim.
  • Contact Law Enforcement: Always report the accident to the police. An official report can serve as a crucial piece of evidence later.
  • Document the Scene: Use your smartphone to take photos of the vehicles involved, your injuries, and the overall accident scene. This visual evidence can be valuable during claim negotiations.
  • Gather Witness Information: If bystanders witnessed the accident, get their names and contact information. Their statements could support your version of events.
  • Report the Accident to the Rideshare Company: Inform Uber or Lyft about the accident through their respective apps. Follow their guidelines on reporting.
  • Keep All Documentation: Store any medical bills, receipts, or correspondence related to the accident. It can help substantiate your claim later.


  • Consult with a Bothell Rideshare Accident Lawyer: Before speaking to insurance adjusters or accepting any settlements, it’s wise to get legal counsel. They can guide you on the best course of action tailored to your situation.

Contact Murphy Trial Law for your Rideshare Accidents in Bothell, WA

Bothell head on collision accident lawyer Murphy

Rideshare accidents bring unique complexities due to the involvement of big corporations and insurance providers. Successfully navigating such a claim requires expert understanding, steadfast determination, and experienced representation.

Our Bothell personal injury lawyer at Murphy Trial Law will guide you through this intricate legal process. They understand the specific nuances of rideshare claims. They are dedicated to helping victims receive their rightful compensation.

Whether it’s dealing with aggressive insurance adjusters or taking on big rideshare companies, our personal injury attorneys in Washington stand ready to champion your rights.

Contact Murphy Trial Law today and let our Attorney Jason Murphy work towards securing your future.

FAQs on Bothell Rideshare Accidents

It’s crucial to file your rideshare insurance claim as soon as possible after the accident. In Washington, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is three years from the date of the accident. However, with rideshares, it’s best to report immediately due to specific company policies and to preserve evidence. Consulting a Bothell rideshare accident attorney can help ensure you’re adhering to all necessary timelines.

While both Uber and Lyft offer insurance coverage for their drivers and passengers, the specifics can vary slightly between the companies. Generally, they provide liability coverage when the app is on and comprehensive coverage once a ride is accepted until the passenger is dropped off. Yet, you should review each company’s policy for exact details.

You can sue rideshare companies like Uber or Lyft, but it largely depends on the circumstances of the accident. Both companies maintain $1 million in liability coverage, which can be claimed in specific situations. However, these companies often argue that drivers are “independent contractors” rather than employees, complicating liability issues. A skilled rideshare accident attorney in Bothell can help determine the best course of action.

Washington State follows the comparative negligence rule. If you’re partially at fault for an accident, your compensation might be reduced by your percentage of fault. For instance, if you’re deemed 20% at fault, your compensation will be reduced by 20%. A proficient attorney is essential to ensure that fault is determined accurately.


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